研究業績 / Publications
査読付き論文 Referred Papers
Hideshi Ooka, Marie E Wintzer, Hirokazu Komatsu, Tomoharu Suda, Kiyohiro Adachi, Ailong Li, Shuang Kong, Daisuke Hashizume, Atsushi Mochizuki, and Ryuhei Nakamura, Microkinetic Model to Rationalize the Lifetime of Electrocatalysis: Trade-off between Activity and Stability, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 15, 10079–10085 (2024).
Tomoharu Suda, Dynamical properties in the axiomatic theory of ordinary differential equations, Journal of Differential Equations 391, 1-24 (2024).
Tomoharu Suda, On partial maps derived from flows, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series-B 28(11), 5881-5904 (2023).
Saori Suda, Tomoharu Suda, Takuya Ohmura and Masatoshi Ichikawa, Motion of a swimming droplet under external perturbations: A model-based approach, Physical Review E 106, 034610 (2022).
Tomoharu Suda, Equivalence of topological dynamics without well-posedness, Topology and its Applications 312, 108045 (2022).
Tomoharu Suda, A categorical view of Poincaré maps and suspension flows, Dynamical Systems 37(1), 159-179 (2022).
Saori Suda, Tomoharu Suda, Takuya Ohmura, and Masatoshi Ichikawa, Straight-to-Curvilinear Motion Transition of a Swimming Droplet Caused by the Susceptibility to Fluctuations, Physical Review Letters 127(8), 088005 (2021).
Tomoharu Suda, Application of Helmholtz–Hodge decomposition to the study of certain vector fields, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 53(37), 375703 (2020).
Tomoharu Suda, Construction of Lyapunov functions using Helmholz-Hodge decomposition, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 39(5), 2437-2454 (2019).
Tomoharu Suda and Takao Morinari, Destruction of Magnetic Long-Range Order by Hole-Induced Skyrmions in Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Model, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 85(11), 114702 (2016).
プロシーディング Proceedings
Tomoharu Suda, Equivalence of ill-posed dynamical systems, Archivum Mathematicum 59(1), 133-140 (2023). Note: peer reviewed.
須田智晴, Poincaré写像とsuspensionの構成の随伴性について, 数理解析研究所講究録 2223, 102-107 (2022).
須田智晴, 一意性のない力学系における同値性の概念について, 北海道大学数学講究録 178, 545-551 (2020).
須田智晴, 区分的に連続な右辺を持つ常微分方程式について, 北海道大学数学講究録 176, 3-9 (2019).
査読なし論文 Other Papers
- 渡邉浩一, 臼田泰如, 寺山慧, 瑞慶覧長空, 須田智晴, 佐野泰之, 学際教育を求めて―Interdisciplinarityの歴史と理論, 学際系学部の教養教育 報告書 105-122 (2017).
プレプリント Preprints
Tomoharu Suda, Effective Kinetics of Chemical Reaction Networks, arXiv:2402.11762, 2024.
Tomoharu Suda, A characterization of the Filippov convention, arXiv:1901.06333, 2019.
書籍 Books
- 萩原 広道, 佐野 泰之, 杉谷 和哉, 須田 智晴, 谷川 嘉浩, 真鍋 公希, 三升 寛人 編著『〈京大発〉専門分野の越え方: 対話から生まれる学際の探求 』, ナカニシヤ出版, 2023年.